Surviving Your Family Law Dispute

Any type of family dispute that rises to the level of needing the courts to intervene can be an immensely stressful and unpleasant experience. Due to the unique relationships that can bind you to the other party in this dispute, managing a family law dispute can require a degree of finesse that other cases may be able to avoid. Attempt To Separate Your Emotions Family law disputes are often emotionally charged affairs that can leave both parties hurt and angry. [Read More]

Don't Go Through The Probate Process Without An Attorney

Any time someone dies, that person's estates or belongings may have to go through a legal process called probate before people can inherit or be gifted money or other items from said estate. If you have unfortunately lost someone close to you in the recent past, you may now be looking at going through the probate process yourself. While lots and lots of people have to go through the probate process each year, the process is still not very well known by most. [Read More]

You've Just Been Served With Divorce Papers: What's Next?

You might have thought you'd be the one to act first or you might have thought you and your spouse were still working things out. Regardless of how it happened — it happened. Once you are in possession of the divorce paperwork, your first thought might be what to do next. Read on for some guidance about what comes next after being served with divorce papers. Don't Just Ignore It [Read More]

Options For Providing For A Special Needs Child In Your Will

Writing an estate plan with the help of a legal professional that will leave your assets to your adult children can be fairly straightforward, but when there are different health issues within your family, things quickly become more complicated. One such issue that presents some challenges is when you have a special needs child. Even if he or she is an adult, there's a chance that this child cannot take care of himself or herself. [Read More]