Disability Programs That Can Help To Fast-Track Your Application

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a person who is disabled is impaired mentally or physically and is unable to perform one or many life tasks. If you are an individual who cannot work because of a medical or mental illness, then you are considered disabled. You likely are eligible for disability benefits. However, you will need to file a disability claim and go through the determination process. This process is quite lengthy for some, and you may need to wait several years before you actually receive benefits. [Read More]

When Bad Weather Contributed To An Accident, Who's Fault Was It?

Have you been in a car accident that was seemingly caused by bad weather? Perhaps someone slid through a slippery intersection and rear ended you, or maybe you slid off the side of the road and hit a stop sign. When bad weather is a factor, it's easy to say "It was nobody's fault!" But that's not exactly how your insurance company will look at it. They will still go about determining fault while keeping the weather in mind. [Read More]

Waiting For An ALJ Hearing? Ways To Speed Up Your Claim

Applying for Social Security Disability is not an easy task. You have to provide a lot of information and documentation, and you also have to do a lot of waiting. This is especially true if your initial application is not approved and you have to have a hearing before a judge. This hearing, called an ALJ hearing, can take a year or more. The length of time depends partly on your location. [Read More]

In a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Certain Debts Get Top Billing

Many people who have suffered serious financial setbacks or have otherwise accumulated large amounts of debt turn to Chapter 13 bankruptcy as a way to settle old debts and turn over a new financial leaf. Your creditors may be lining up in hopes of recouping their money, but there are some situations where certain debts take precedence over others. These debts are commonly known as "priority debts," as these debts have priority over other secured and unsecured debts. [Read More]